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look around中文是什么意思

用"look around"造句"look around"怎么读"look around" in a sentence"look around"的同义词


  • 朝四周看
  • 到处看
  • 东观西望
  • 东张西望
  • 环顾,寻找
  • 环顾四周
  • 环机
  • 环视四周
  • 四处看看
  • 四顾
  • 四下张望
  • 向四处看
  • 向四周看,四处张望
  • "look"中文翻译    vi. 1.看,注视,盯 (at). Look! 你瞧! ...
  • "around"中文翻译    adv. 1.周围,四面。 2.〔美口〕各处,四处。 3 ...
  • "look around = look round" 中文翻译 :    四处看看
  • "look round = look around" 中文翻译 :    仔细查看
  • "feel free to look around" 中文翻译 :    请随意到处看看看
  • "have a look around the city" 中文翻译 :    参观市容
  • "just look around" 中文翻译 :    看看四周
  • "look all around" 中文翻译 :    往四下一看
  • "look around charmingly" 中文翻译 :    顾盼生姿
  • "look around in astonishment" 中文翻译 :    愕然四顾
  • "look around wonder why" 中文翻译 :    寻寻觅觅,想知道
  • "look around(round)" 中文翻译 :    环顾;东张西望
  • "look around to find nobody anywhere" 中文翻译 :    四顾无人
  • "look around with an armful of peaches" 中文翻译 :    抱桃僚望
  • "pein through a crack look around" 中文翻译 :    透过缝隙向里张望
  • "slow down look around and cross" 中文翻译 :    一站二看三通过
  • "time to wake up and look around" 中文翻译 :    是该醒来环顾四下的时候了
  • "we went to look around the town" 中文翻译 :    我们去参观这个小镇
  • "slow down look around and then go ahead" 中文翻译 :    一慢二看三通过
  • "around" 中文翻译 :    adv. 1.周围,四面。 2.〔美口〕各处,四处。 3.左近,在附近。 4. 围着,环绕。 5. 向相反方向。 6. 循环重现;旋转。 7. 恢复知觉。 8. 活跃着。 9. 到(谈话双方都熟悉的)某地。 Trauel around from place to place 周游。 look around 环视,四顾。 sit around a table 围着桌子坐。 a car circling around 一辆在兜着圈子的车。 Will you please wait around for me 请在附近等我好吗? Turn around! You're going the wrong way. 转回来,你走错路了! The column measures two feet around. 这根柱子周长2英尺。 She hasn't been around lately. 她最近不活跃了。 He came around to see me. 他到这里来看我。 bring sb. around 使某人恢复知觉。 all around 四处,到处;全面地 (shook hands all around 一一握手)。 all the year around 整年 (mild all the year around 一年四季都很温暖)。 be around 〔美口〕起床;走动 (He's up and around now. 他起来走动了)。 fool around 〔口语〕吊儿郎当。 hang around 在附近徘徊。 have been around (a lot) 〔口语〕见识(很)多;世故(很)深。 the other way around 〔美国〕从相反方向;用相反方式。 1.在周围,围着;绕过。 2.〔美口〕在近处,在附近;前后,左右,差不多。 3.〔美口〕到处。 4.在那边。 5.朝着各个方向。 6.在(某人)身边。 around here 在这边。 around the corner 〔美国〕在拐角那里(= 〔英国〕 round the corner)。 roam around the country 漫游全国。 stay around the house 总不离家。 around four o'clock 四点前后。 travel around the world 作环球旅行。 leave the books around the house 在房子里到处乱丢书。 the few men around the despot 暴君身边寥寥可数的几个人。 get around 绕过(障碍),解决(困难),回避(事实)。
  • "be around" 中文翻译 :    来访
  • "in and around" 中文翻译 :    在….周围
  • "a look" 中文翻译 :    向...瞟一眼
  • "and then look" 中文翻译 :    又望望
  • "look" 中文翻译 :    vi. 1.看,注视,盯 (at). Look! 你瞧!看哪! We looked but saw nothing. 我们看是在看,可是什么也没有看见。 2.〔带有述语〕显得,好像。 look sick 显得有病的样子。 He does not look his age. 他看上去不像是有这个年纪的人。 He looks very tired. 他好像很疲倦。 He looks every inch a worker. 他没有一处不像工人。 It looks as though we should have a storm. 好像要有暴风雨。 It looks like rain. 看来要下雨。 look happy 喜形于色。 3.留心,注意;弄清,查明。 L- (to it) that they do not escape. 当心别让他们逃跑了。 L- if it is right. 查查对不对。 4.(房屋等)朝着,面向;(事实、情况等)倾向…,倾向… The house looks (to the) south. 这房子朝南。 Conditions look toward war. 局势趋向战争。 5.预期。 I did not look to meet you here. 我没有想到在这里遇见你。 vt. 1.用眼色表示,用态度表示。 He looked his consent [thanks]. 他用眼睛表示了同意[谢意]。 2.瞧,注视,打量。 look sb. into silence 瞪着某人不敢作声。 look sb. full in the face 盯着某人的面孔细看。 look sb. out of countenance 瞧得人局促不安。 look sb. up and down 上上下下打量某人。 look about (one) 四下里看;观察形势;戒备,警戒;计划行动。 look about for 四下寻找。 look after 1. 回头看;目送。 2. 寻求,渴望。 3. 注意,照管,照应,看守。 look ahead 考虑未来,预先做好准备。 L- ahead, Sir! 【航海】看前面。 look alive 当心;快些! look around 〔美国〕=look round. look as if 看起来好像,似乎,好像。 look at 1. 看,查看 (The girl is pretty to look at. 这个姑娘好看)。 2. 考虑,着眼于 (look at problems allsidedly 全面地看问题)。 look away 把脸转过去,看别的地方。 look back 1. 回头看;回顾;追想 (to;upon)。 2. (对事业等)不起劲。 L- before you leap. 〔谚语〕三思而后行。 look beyond the grave 考虑身后事。 look big 洋洋自得,盛气凌人。 look black 脸色凶恶,形势恶劣。 look blue (人)无能;灰溜溜的,颓丧。 look death 杀气腾腾。 look death in the face 不顾死活。 look down 1. 看下面,俯视。 2. 蔑视,看不起 (on;upon)。 3. 跌价。 look for 1. 寻找。 2. 期待,渴望。 look forward to 盼望,期待 (look forward to a prosperous old age 盼望一个富裕的晚年。 look forward to seeing you again 期望重见你们)。 L- here! 喂,注意! look ill 1. 看上去有病,看来不漂亮。 2. (事情)很糟。 look in 1. 看看,一瞥 (at sth)。 2. 顺便访问 (on sb.)。 look into 1. 窥视。 2. 调查;过问。 look like ... 好像;像要 (The place looks like rabbits. 这地方好像有兔子)。 look off 把眼睛转开。 look on 1. 看做 (as). 2. 旁观,观看 (look on the bright[dark] side 看光明[黑暗]的一面)。 3. 面向 (to)。 look on with sb. 和某人同看一本书。 look one's age 和年龄相称。 look oneself 和平常一样,不改常态 (look quite oneself again 完全恢复(健康)了)。 look out 1. 注意,警惕。 2. 期待 (for)。 3. 看外头;展望 (on;over)。 4. 找出,挑选,寻找。 look over 1. 过目,大致看一看。 2. 检验,调查,查究。 3. 放过,宽待。 look round 1. 掉头看,环顾,到处寻找。 2. 仔细考虑,察看。 look sharp 非常留心(看);赶快。 look through 1. 透过(玻璃等)看。 2. 看穿,看破。 3. 彻底调查;从头看完,通读一遍。 look to 1. 注意;照料,照应。 2. 依赖,指望 (look to sb. for help 指望某人帮助)。 3. 〔美国〕倾向…,以…为目的,企图。 look to be 〔美国〕像… (It looked to be about eight feet tall. 看上去有八英尺高)。 look to it that 注意,留心。 look toward(s) 1. 〔口语〕为…干杯。 2. 〔美国〕倾向…,趋向,取…的方向,指向。 look up 1. 向上看。 2. (物价等)上涨,(市面等)兴旺。 3. (在辞典中)查找,查出。 4. 访问,看望。 5. 尊敬 (to)。 look upon =look on.look well 1. 像很健康;看上去漂亮。 2. (事情)顺利。 L- you! 注意! to look at sb.[sth.] 〔常作插入语〕据某人[某事]的外表下判断。 n. 1.〔常 pl.〕 容貌,相貌,面貌。 Don't judge a man by his looks. 不要凭外表判断人。 good looks 好相貌。 lose one's looks (女子)容颜衰老。 the look of his face 他的面貌。 2.脸色。 3.样子,外表。 a kind look温和的样子。 an amused look in sb.'s eyes 某人眼中暗地感到有趣[可笑]的神色。 a serious look严肃的脸色。 I don't like the look of him. 我不喜欢他那个样子。 the look of the sky 天色。 4. 一看,一瞥。 give sb. a look看某人一眼。 give sb. a dirty look瞪某人一眼。 steal a look偷看一眼。 cast a look at 瞥一眼。 have [take] a (good) look at (仔细)看一看。 have a look of 像,仿佛。 in good looks 样子很健康。 take on a new look 具有新气象。 take on an ugly look 情况不佳。 upon the look 在寻找中。 wither sb. with a look 〔戏谑语〕看得某人惶恐不安。 -ism 容貌歧视。


  • Dr. nicholas looked around for his bag .
  • We all turned and looked around for gatsby .
  • He rubbed his eyes and looked around .
  • He looked around at the sunny cabin .
  • Byron shaded his eyes to look around .
  • You have 15 minutes to look around .
  • Ella was free to look around her .
  • She could see him looking around .
  • He sat up and looked around .
  • When i woke i looked around .
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
用"look around"造句  


  • look about oneself; "look around to see whether you can find the missing document"


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